
Tuesday 14 February 2012

Why I needed to be in Cape Town

I'm making progress, I've made progress while in Cape Town - I can see it now. The little pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Last week in particular was crucial for the convergence of my ideas into the beginnings of a story. The basis of a framework for using my data in a productive way to develop the story I want to tell is starting to appear, and I'm feeling more confident about the value of what is emerging

So the initial uncertainty about the timing of my trip to Cape Town was proven unfounded. To me this 'process' of having ones doubts dispelled is a true reflection on how life is - things usually work out in the end (although possibly not how you want or expect) even though it makes no sense or is deeply uncomfortable and painful in the beginning. I was meant to come to Cape Town, I knew I needed to come to Cape Town, I knew why I needed to come to Cape Town... even though not exactly in the same ways I anticipated or in the very ways I expected, in August 2011, when I booked my flights, but it has come together anyway. Different specifics, but same can't get lost in Cape Town, you'll always find you way to where you need to be.

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