
Tuesday 19 April 2011

Collecting proper bibliographical information

...or you will pay the price later! Indeed; this is what I'm realising at the moment. After almost...20 odd years in the HE academic game I still don't know how to collect proper bibliographic information!? My ex-students will scream with laughter and call me a fraud. But it happens. I have to submit an article using the APA (American Psychological Association) referencing style and this requires the page number for chapters in edited books. I've NEVER EVER collected the page numbers of chapters from books I've consulted. So for the 10 or so 'incorrectly' formatted references I have in my article I will have to trawl the internet in search of the illusive page numbers. I want to say that I would be better off with my Endnote library (which is sitting neatly and untouched on my computer at the OU), but altas Endnote can only help you so far - if you didn't input the actual page numbers for a specific reference, it wont generate a 'correct' version of a bibliography in a reference style requiring the freaking page numbers. It's only software, it needs a master to give it all the parameters to work with and then tell it what to do.

So the moral of this story...collect the freaking page numbers of everything you consult! Guess what I'll be doing this Easter Weekend?

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