
Wednesday 24 April 2013

some good advice

I got some good advice last week. The basic gist - I need to shift from thinking and talking about myself, my work, as being in deficit; not being good enough to meet the approval of the PhD police. As I see that freaking finish line ahead, I know that what I need to enable me to cross that line, is confidence and a strong belief that my work is solid, worthy and credible. I need to believe in what I have done and in the quality of what I have done. No more hedging and grovelling - I need to take the thesis my hands and present it as a true gift that I can be proud of. I have to stop thinking about what lies in the shadows, but focus on what is illuminated. This is the essence of the advice - LT can see all of this already, all I need to do is to see it in myself.

And I'm starting to feel a sense of pride, accomplishment, confidence - a little bit here, a little bit there - as I work through the chapters already written, reworking or reordering my arguments. I have something to say and at times I say it very convincingly and articulately. I have to take my writing, my thesis in my hands and hold it gently and firmly all at the same time.

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