
Tuesday 30 April 2013

killing trees and creating calm in the chaos

I spent most of the morning yesterday trying to create some calm in my study. I'd become increasingly irritated that there were papers everywhere, in indiscriminate piles. What did I need, and what was significant about a particular pile? So a clean up was required. Underlying this practical motivation to see some of the white space that is my desk, was a deeper need to create a sense of calm in my chaotic mind. I'm trying to hold this whole freaking thesis in my head. I think about some aspect of it almost all the time and my head feels like its filled to the brim with disconnected bits of information that are nevertheless connected.

In the process of de-cluttering my study and hopefully my mind, I found the evidence that I've already killed a few trees in the process of producing this thesis. And there is more to come. One more chapter to write and then a full draft to prepare. 25 days to go. Here we go, go, go, go!

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