
Tuesday 23 October 2012

breathe in, breathe out

Nothing goes the way we plan it. Maybe that is the golden rule of planning - if you plan it, chances are you should expect to make some adjustments and changes.

Being in transition is practically about changing your plans almost continually. You have to ask 'Is there any point in planning?' during this tricky, fluid period, because everything seems to change in a blink of an eye. One minute it's ok for me to work on my PhD, the next I have to be more visible at work.  One minute I am in charge of scoping out the path I want to flow - the next minute it is all predetermined for me. It's been a bit of a shock to go back into institutional life and to realise that things are pretty much the same as they were when I left. Unfortunately all the old rather unpleasant feelings and associations have remained too. I feel as if I'm being forced to think about things I just don't have the head space for. It would have been nice to only do this when I had Draft 1 all ready and polished. But it's not to be.

I'm behind in my schedule but somehow feel more and more determined. My tasks is to finish the Draft 1 where I will scope out the solid beginning of my thesis argument by December. Come hell or high water this is what I will do...give or take a few days of accommodate the minor panic attacks and fits of frustration...yeah right!

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