
Monday 21 November 2011

when is a draft really a draft?

I've just sent off a 'draft' for one of my case studies. I've been agonising about it for the past couple of's just too rough around the edges and I probably need a good week to smooth it out. But what is a draft if not rough around the edges? I just haven't been able to get myself to accept this common sense, logical understand of what the term 'draft' might mean. I remember the days when I did have a more realistic understanding and appreciation for the notion of 'draft' when applied to my writing - I had a lot more freedom to express myself and enjoyed more sleep. Now I feel I'm crippled by having to get it 'just right' before I send it off, fearful of what the readers might think of me if my thoughts and ideas aren't tied together neatly and coherently. Anyway it's off and I have the beginnings of a case that can really become something wonderful (if I may say so myself) and insightfully tell a story about some complex practices and inspiring people...all I need is some more time to think, organise my thoughts, and the determination to make it a reality

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