
Monday 26 April 2010

A process-kind of PhD

I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks now - that 'the process' of doing a PhD will get me through this PhD. It's a rather calming thought and that is probably why I keep having it and why I'm thinking it's probably a good, useful thought to cultivate. I see 'the process' as this overwhelming, bigger than me system that acts almost like God (to believers that is), and will have a big part in helping me to get the PhD at the end. Well maybe my formulation of the whole process is somewhat naive and deterministic, but that's how I see it at the moment.

So much of one's time as a PhD student is spent agonizing about a whole variety of things - but essentially about  how crap you are at some or other thing related to completing the PhD successfully, and yet most PhD students finish the PhD successfully - so in my logic there must be something greater than 'us' taking/helping/guiding us through; i.e.'the process'. I'm also reminded of some good advice given to me by LT, a previous supervisor, to always trust the process to resolve whatever issues and dilemmas encountered on this rather rocky and tempestuous journey. I'm starting to really internalize that advice and I can see in my new positive attitude and confidence towards the tasks before me, it's constructive impact.

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