
Thursday 15 December 2011

changing research questions

Following supervision earlier this week where my use of particular phrases where brought under the spotlight I've been rethinking my research questions. This sounds like a more focused activity than it really was. I have my research questions stuck up just above my monitor at my desk and along side my desk on the wardrobe in my room - my form of subliminal messaging.

Today while in the middle of a major 'stuck' crisis I looked up at my research questions and started to restructure them - so it was a rather serendipitous reaction - and it helped make me feel productive in a seriously unproductive day. Of course I could also see it as a bit of a distraction as I made changes and decided to print the results in colour and thus have to walk a flight of stairs to retrieve my printing for the colour printer in the department. All this walking up and down must have taken up at least 30 minutes of my day.  I've tried to make up for it tonight, after a failed attempt to be social and attend the Post Graduate Student Society's Xmas attempt to be social didn't fail because I went, however the event itself was a major fail - boring as hell and over by 7:30pm! I forced myself to write for 30 minutes and ended up writing for at least 40 minutes and maybe, just maybe I think I might be un-sticking myself...slowly, lets hope this continues in the morning.

New research questions of course...for now anyway!

1.What are the literacy practices used to produce multimodal assignments in two vocational South African national diploma courses?
Why do certain literacy practices become privileged when such assignments are produced?
2.What knowledge types or practices become foregrounded through the production of multimodal assignments in two vocational South African national diploma courses?
Why do certain knowledge become foregrounded when such assignments are produced?

A bit repetitive hey...mmm, ok I suspect the subliminal effect will kick in again soon and produce yet another iteration.

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