
Monday, 13 January 2014

new focus

Seems it didn't take too long to come up with an idea of how to take my blog forward. How to make it accommodate the new (old) things and activities I'm engaging in and the identities that are becoming part of me in the post-PhD phase of my life. Post-PhD being the operative phrase that is all important. I'm going to blog about what it means to be in this post-PhD phase, how the PhD is shaping, influencing, directing, contorting how I see myself and my work within the specific vocational higher education institution where I work and the broader local and international higher education context that I am also part of. So I'll be rambling on about my new teaching role (in the disturbingly titled 'Academic and Professional Literacies' arena) and all the other activities and tasks wonderfully assigned to the very non-descript 'Academic Support' job title I currently have. A taster of the open-endedness of this title, today the first day of the academic year I had two random (and I mean random) students find their way into my office (I've decided that for the next two week my door will remain closed at all times) and ask me for advice about their continued studies in my department or how they might get into the course even though their application had already been rejected. Now of course I realise these students probably come into my office because mine was the only door open in the corridor and they needed their questions answered, but maybe, just maybe they saw the name tag and underlying title on my door and thought - 'I have a concern that needs some academic support, and the person inside this office should be able to answer it'.

And so the post-PhD phase of my life and this blog begins and to celebrate I've given the blog a bit of a face-lift. I quite like it!

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